Filter Grid List Map All listing types All listing types Sales Exchange Giving away All categories All categories Indoor plants Cactus & Succulents Orchard & Vegetable garden Carnivorous plants Seeds and bulbs Outdoor plants Other plants Accessories Price Min: Max: Evolving stage Cutting Young plant Adulte plante Update view All categories Indoor plants Cactus & Succulents Orchard & Vegetable garden Carnivorous plants Seeds and bulbs Outdoor plants Other plants Accessories Hoya krokoniana eskimo €12 / unit Valérie B Arbustes à fleurs €15 / unit alexandre dixneuf Bouture de Pothos €3 / unit Charlotte L Sanseviera jade star €15 / unit Fernando Kwai palmier €35 / unit Fernando Ficus grand taille €25 / unit Fernando Ficus Elastica Robusta €50 / unit Fernando Aloe Vera €15 / unit Fernando Plante Alocasia Wentii Exchange Estelle D Anthurium andraeanum €4 / unit Selin G Chlorophytum, plante araignée €5 / unit Selin G Chlorophytum, plante araignée €2 / unit Selin G Anthurium andraeanum €5 / unit Selin G Spatiphyllum €6 / unit Selin G plante 200 cm de hauteur €130 / unit soazig l ficus 180 cm €80 / unit soazig l Graines d'éponge Luffa €4 / unit Katia C Pins parasols €8 / unit Philibert Palmier Washingtonia €15 / unit Philibert Palmier des Canaries (phoenix canariensis) €15 / unit Philibert Arbousier (Arbutus unedo) €8 / unit Philibert Yucca (Gloriosa) €8 / unit Philibert Yucca (aloifolia) €8 / unit Philibert Lin de Nouvelle-Zélande (phormium) €8 / unit Philibert ← Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 … 27 28 Next →